To try and continue to bring our Club timely information on Beekeeping, we are going to experiment with having our meeting "virtual". Using your home computer, Iphone or Android device, you'll be able to join from wherever you are with a reasonable Internet connection.
Click Here to Join the meeting
No Screen Names, No Pet Names, No "cute" names, these names are subject to being removed from the meeting.
Important Items to note: Please keep yourself Muted. If you have questions you can type those in the chat for the meeting.
Update: ​
We are going to do this Live on-line - using Technology from Microsoft called Teams. We will have a very simple meeting. Putting 120 people on a Live meeting, is probably going to feel a lot like a "party line" of years gone by! But we will do our best to manage the participation.
Some things you can do NOW:
- Test the Speakers for your computer - are you able to hear Youtube Video's w/o any problem?
- Do you have a decent browser; Chrome, Edge Chromium, FireFox, Safari (IE11 is not decent :))
If you want to become familiar with Teams, here's a link with some basic information https://support.office.com/en-us/article/video-what-is-microsoft-teams-422bf3aa-9ae8-46f1-83a2-e65720e1a34d?wt.mc_id=otc_microsoft_teams&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US